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Christmas in Ireland

1 Feb

There is only so much sea sun and fun a mountain girl can take. After 13 months in the Pacific, it was time to return to Europe and dreary winters. I arrived home on 19 December, during what the Irish called a tropical winter, wearing four layers, two scarves, gloves, socks over my cotton tights, and still thoroughly frozen. Cold is relative.

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Life Unemployed 2010: Boston, Peru, Kentucky, Europe

24 Oct

The Boston Stage
27-29 July 2010

Everybody knows that the best way to relax after a rough period at work is to rest your bones on an island… so the day after leaving the World Bank I was wandering on Georges Island — mmm the sun, the tiny islands around, the geese, the cannons, the jails, the bitter wind, the ghost… Yes, not quite a Caribbean island but it’s full of history and a stone-throw away from Boston – perfect for an afternoon excursion away from deadlines.
Ghost story coming up

Year in Review – 2009

28 Dec

In case you were wondering, this is what I have been up to this past year:

feels so far away and yet I can remember as if it were yesterday the sweet taste of San Francisco’s chocolate melting in my mouth. A certain Obama was being celebrated in freezing Washington, DC, but I was enjoying the sun and my friend Alison in the Bay. We did a lot of walking and exploring, but really my taste buds have better memories than my feet!
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The Brits Don’t Like me… and they Have Proven it Again!

28 Nov

November-December 2009

No, it is NOT my imagination: the Brits do not like me and tend to prove it in their airports. Each visit to Heathrow is a pain (extra interrogation, extra search, extra confusing), and now Gatwick did it.
Did what?